Monday, April 23, 2007

DEATHSCORE: Boris Yeltsin goes kaputsky at age 76

Our pool's second death this month, both were age 76...hmmm, don't play those digits on the Powerball...

AP reports former Russian leader Boris Yeltsin apparantly died of heart failure, but no official news agency will say exctly. So much for the era of Pravda and democracy you led for Russia - Putin has this cinched up tighter than Bob Kraft's Superbowl ring.

Solo shot for Brian G, his second of the season. To the numbers:

(125-76)*1.3 = 64 raw score,
add in the big 40 pt solo bonus for
a grand total of 104.

BG has 221 total.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

DEATHSCORE: Don Ho at 76

Singer and ambassador for Hawaii Don Ho passed away yesterday after many months of experimental treatments for heart disease.Vince gets all the poi with a solo shot.

(125-76) * 1.9=64 raw score,
add in the 40 point solo bonus for
a grand total of 104.

No one has screamed about my selection of Barbaro, so my total is now 265. Deal.

Oh, and if you think that this site is tasteless, see the most popular Don Ho video on YouTube...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

DEATHSCORE: Writer Kurt Vonnegut dead at 84

Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center. I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over.

Great quote from a guy who would probably appreciate the humor, macabre and ridiculousness of the Mortfolio Dead Pool - Kurt Vonnegut passed away today after brain injuries sustained from a fall. He was 84.

The NY Times, as is their pattern, created a special online section to revel in the life of a New Yorker. Does a better job than I could reflecting on his career, so why rip it off? FOX News is less than complimentary on their obituary.

Mark M gets the solo dinger, unfortunately he broke his Mortfolio 2007 cherry with his last pick! Roll the big board:

(125-84) * 1.0 = 41,
solo hit bonus of 40,
grand total of 81.

Mark is in third place, that still leaves 2007 virgin status to Larry V and the perennial favorite "Buying the Farm".

PBS did an interview about a year ago and it is posted on YouTube: