SCORE: Saddam Hussein hanged until dead
If you hadn't heard on the news or in workday conversation on Thursday, the Iraqi high tribunal quickly moved to hang former ruler Saddam Hussein. It was obvious why Judge Munir Haddad chose to expedite the execution after handing out the sentence 60 days prior....
1) He did not want the hanging to interfere with the holiday of Eid al Adha
2) Globally dead poolers clammored for extra pointsSaddam was 69 at the time of his hanging for a base score of (125-69) or 56. Three coroners had him on their roster, led by the undisputed 2006 Champions the Rat Pack in their 1.9 confidence slot. Other owners are Brian G at 1.7 and Mark M at 1.0 (Mark had Hussein at his 2.0 in 2005). Ten point bonus to each for the trio shared hit, and it is fair to say that each gets the 20 point "Last terrorist" bonus as well.
Brian G 126
Mark M 86
From around the routers...
George Washington University Hussein Sourcebook
CNN on Iraq reaction
updated standings shortly...
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